Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Shout Out!

I wanted to give a big shout out to my friend, Laura Tidey, for making me and my business an awesome logo.

If you are ever interested in having a logo or something that involves graphic design, let me know and I will give your information to Laura!  

Now, the fun part!  Putting my logo on EVERYTHING!!

Thanks again Laura!!  You're the best!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Abby & Nick ~ Family Session

I had my first session the other day.  Abby & Nick are brother and sister.  Enjoy!  Pretty happy with the way they turned out.  {To view a bigger image, click on the picture}

Copyright Leslie Morrison, 2013
You may not crop, edit, alter, or sell the image in any way.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Welcome To My New Adventure!


I'm very excited to announce that I am venturing into the photography business.  It's a hobby of mine I have always enjoyed especially since the birth of my two beautiful children.  The picture taking in our house went from a few occasional photos to an absolutely ridiculous amount! But they are so cute...how can I resist!?!?!
Here are a few photos I recently took of my son.  I will post more photos later.  

Copyright Leslie Morrison, 2013
You may not crop, edit, alter, or sell the image in any way.